Section 7.10.1045. Universal precautions.  

Latest version.
  • An entity shall take precautions to reduce risk against the spread of a communicable, contagious, or infectious disease that could pose a significant threat to the health, safety, or welfare of adults or children in care. In addition to the applicable requirements of 7 AAC 10.1000 - 7 AAC 10.1095, precautions include  
    		(1) seeking and complying with current medical and sanitation advice on communicable, contagious, or infectious diseases;  
    		(2) adopting universal precautions, including the use of gloves, to handle potential exposure to blood, blood-contaminating body fluids, and injury discharges;  
    		(3) training staff, if any, in universal precautions and in the prevention of communicable, contagious, and infectious diseases;  
    		(4) ensuring that the caregiver hygiene requirements of 7 AAC 10.1050 are met;  
    		(5) encouraging children, or adults with impaired judgment, to wash their hands  
    			(A) before food handling, preparation, serving, or table setting;  
    			(B) before eating;  
    			(C) after toileting;  
    			(D) after handling pets or other animals; and  
    			(E) when hands are contaminated with a body fluid, including after nose wiping; and  
    		(6) encouraging children to wash their hands before and after participation in moist play, including molding clay or painting.