Section 7.10.1075. First aid kit and procedures.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An entity shall review, and shall post or make readily available, first aid procedures. The entity shall post and keep current emergency telephone numbers, including the number for the poison control center, near one or more telephones in the entity. The entity shall maintain  
    		(1) at least one first aid kit described in (c) of this section that is kept at the entity;  
    		(2) at least one additional first aid kit described in (c) of this section for field trips or outings away from the entity; and  
    		(3) an abbreviated first aid kit for a neighborhood walk of 30 minutes or less; the requirements of this paragraph do not apply to an assisted living home; an entity may use the kit described in (2) of this subsection for a neighborhood walk if the kit is not needed for a field trip or outing, and if a kit described in (c) of this section is kept at the entity; for purposes of this paragraph, an abbreviated kit must contain, at a minimum, the following:  
    			(A) disposable nonporous, nonlatex gloves;  
    			(B) tweezers;  
    			(C) adhesive bandages;  
    			(D) bandage tape;  
    			(E) sterile gauze pads;  
    			(F) a cold pack;  
    			(G) a CPR barrier device or mask;  
    			(H) potable water;  
    			(I) for an entity providing care for children, the emergency child record information required by 7 AAC 57.400(a);  
    			(J) medication that may be needed on the walk.  
    	(b)  The entity shall restock each first aid kit after use to ensure compliance with this section.  
    	(c)  Except as provided in (a)(3) of this section, each first aid kit must include at least the following items, checked regularly to ensure that any expiration date is not exceeded, and kept within a container that will hold all of the items:  
    		(1) disposable nonporous, nonlatex gloves;  
    		(2) sealed packages of alcohol wipes or antiseptic for thermometer cleaning only;  
    		(3) scissors;  
    		(4) tweezers;  
    		(5) a thermometer;  
    		(6) adhesive bandages;  
    		(7) bandage tape;  
    		(8) sterile gauze pads;  
    		(9) flexible roller gauze;  
    		(10) triangular bandages;  
    		(11) safety pins;  
    		(12) an eye dressing;  
    		(13) a note pad with a pen or pencil;  
    		(14) activated charcoal, for use only under the direction of a poison control center or another medical professional;  
    		(15) a cold pack;  
    		(16) a current American Academy of Pediatrics or American Red Cross standard first aid text or equivalent first aid guide;  
    		(17) a CPR barrier device or mask;  
    		(18) the telephone number for the poison control center;  
    		(19) potable water;  
    		(20) splints, including small child-size splints if children are in care;  
    		(21) soap;  
    		(22) a working flashlight;  
    		(23) for a field trip or outing away from a child care facility, other than a foster home or foster group home, and for each child participating in the trip or outing,  
    			(A) the emergency child record information as required by 7 AAC 57.400(a); and  
    			(B) written permission for use of medication; only medication that is or may be needed during a field trip or outing may be included in first aid kit, and only for the length of the field trip or outing.