Section 7.100.550. Applicability to post-eligibility and cost-of-care liability.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  After establishing initial Medicaid eligibility, the department will determine if a recipient must pay a portion of the cost of the recipient's long-term care services.  
    	(b)  The post-eligibility requirements of 7 AAC 100.550 - 7 AAC 100.579 apply to an individual  
    		(1) residing in a medical institution and receiving long-term care services, except for an SSI or APA recipient who receives SSI or APA  
    			(A) cash benefits because the individual is temporarily institutionalized for a period of 90 days or less; or  
    			(B) personal needs payments under 7 AAC 40.390; or  
    		(2) receiving home and community-based waiver services and who is determined eligible for Medicaid under 7 AAC 100.002(d)(4) or (8).  


