Section 7.12.220. Substance abuse hospitals.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A hospital or unit of a hospital which is operated for the primary purpose of treatment of alcoholism or substance abuse through an integrated program of medical, psychological, and social evaluation and services, and in which the major portion of the required evaluation and services is furnished within the facility is a substance abuse hospital, and must comply with the provisions of this section.  
    	(b)  A substance abuse hospital must have written policies, which are available to the public upon request, regarding admission criteria and treatment methods.  
    	(c)  A substance abuse hospital must provide the following medical staff and services in addition to those required by 7 AAC 12.205:  
    		(1) continuous supervision during the detoxification process by a physician or by registered nurse under the direct supervision of a physician;  
    		(2) supervision by a physician or by a registered nurse under the direct supervision of a physician during the diagnosis and treatment of medical and psychiatric illnesses derived from or associated with substance abuse;  
    		(3) a social or psychological evaluation that includes the drinking or substance abuse history of the patient, and a determination of current mental and emotional state, cultural background, vocational history, familial relationships, educational background, socio-economic status, and a descriptive inventory of the patient's assets;  
    		(4) a medical evaluation;  
    		(5) an individualized treatment plan that is based upon the social or psychological and medical evaluations, and which  
    			(A) includes short- and long-term treatment goals, and estimated duration of treatment and a discharge plan; and  
    			(B) is, whenever practicable, developed with the participation of the patient;  
    		(6) organized therapeutic activities, developed with consideration for the interests and needs of the patients; and  
    		(7) an area in which patients can meet with outside community service providers and other program personnel who assist in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the treatment plan.  
    	(d)  A committee of the medical staff shall periodically evaluate the services provided and make appropriate recommendations to the medical staff and administration.  
    	(e)  A substance abuse hospital must have written policies regarding the use of restraints which include the following requirements:  
    		(1) recording in a patient's medical record the time the patient spent in restraints;  
    		(2) visiting a patient who is in restraints at least hourly, and providing the patient with adequate opportunity for exercise, access to bathroom facilities, and time out of restraints; and  
    		(3) limiting the use of restraints to situations in which alternative means will not protect the patient or others from injury.  
    	(f)  A substance abuse hospital must routinely report on patient outreach services and recommendations to any individual, agency, or organization that has assisted in the identification or referral of a substance abuse patient.  





7 AAC 12.880
AS 18.20.010 AS 18.20.060
Eff. 11/19/83, Register 88