Article 7.12.4. Specialized Hospitals.

Section 7.12.200. Scope.
Section 7.12.205. Services required.
Section 7.12.210. Medical staff.
Section 7.12.215. Psychiatric hospitals.
Section 7.12.220. Substance abuse hospitals.
Section 7.12.225. Rehabilitation hospitals.
Section 7.12.250. Scope.
Section 7.12.255. Services required.
Section 7.12.256. Admissions.
Section 7.12.258. Use of restraints or psychoactive drugs.
Section 7.12.260. Medical director.
Section 7.12.265. Physician services.
Section 7.12.270. Staff duties.
Section 7.12.275. Nursing and medical services.
Section 7.12.280. Rehabilitation services.
Section 7.12.285. Activity program.
Section 7.12.290. Drug regimen review.
Section 7.12.300. Scope.
Section 7.12.305. Services required.
Section 7.12.310. Applicability and purpose of 7 AAC 12.310 - 7 AAC 12.349.
Section 7.12.312. Licensure.
Section 7.12.314. Inspections.
Section 7.12.316. Scope of service: full-service hospice agency.
Section 7.12.317. Scope of service: volunteer hospice agency.
Section 7.12.318. Admission criteria.
Section 7.12.319. Plan of care.
Section 7.12.320. Advance health care directives; client rights.
Section 7.12.321. Abuse, neglect, and mistreatment.
Section 7.12.323. Quality improvement plan.
Section 7.12.325. Governing body.
Section 7.12.326. Professional advisory committee.
Section 7.12.327. Interdisciplinary team.
Section 7.12.329. Administration.
Section 7.12.331. Professional management.
Section 7.12.333. Hospice home health aide services.
Section 7.12.334. Physical therapy services.
Section 7.12.335. Social work services.
Section 7.12.336. Volunteer services.
Section 7.12.337. Counseling services.
Section 7.12.338. Hiring, orientation, and training.
Section 7.12.339. Clinical and administrative records.
Section 7.12.340. Employee health.
Section 7.12.341. Infection control.
Section 7.12.342. Central supply; medical supplies and appliances.
Section 7.12.343. Pharmaceutical hospice services.
Section 7.12.344. Contracts.
Section 7.12.349. Definitions.
Section 7.12.350. Scope.
Section 7.12.355. Services required.
Section 7.12.360. Emergency equipment and treatment.
Section 7.12.365. Obstetrical care.
Section 7.12.370. Abortions.
Section 7.12.400. Licensure(Repealed).
Section 7.12.401. Determination of a free-standing birth center; scope of services.
Section 7.12.402. Penalties(Repealed).
Section 7.12.403. General service requirements; restrictions.
Section 7.12.404. Application.
Section 7.12.405. Administration.
Section 7.12.410. Personnel(Repealed).
Section 7.12.415. Clinical staff and support staff.
Section 7.12.416. Client management.
Section 7.12.418. Evaluation and improvement of quality of care.
Section 7.12.420. Drugs and biologicals.
Section 7.12.425. Medical records.
Section 7.12.430. Equipment and supplies.
Section 7.12.435. Physical environment.
Section 7.12.437. Physical plant.
Section 7.12.440. Applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations(Repealed).
Section 7.12.442. Risk management(Repealed).
Section 7.12.445. Definitions.(Repealed).
Section 7.12.446. Determination of low-risk maternal client.
Section 7.12.449. Definitions.
Section 7.12.450. Determination of a frontier extended stay clinic.
Section 7.12.453. Scope of service.
Section 7.12.457. Additional licensure requirements for frontier extended stay clinics.
Section 7.12.460. Periodic program evaluation and quality assurance.
Section 7.12.465. Medical staff.
Section 7.12.470. Personnel and staffing.
Section 7.12.473. Ancillary services.
Section 7.12.475. Drugs, chemicals, and biologicals.
Section 7.12.477. Radiological service.
Section 7.12.480. Laboratory service.
Section 7.12.483. Medical records.
Section 7.12.485. Emergency services.
Section 7.12.487. Physical plant.
Section 7.12.490. Definitions.
Section 7.12.500. Scope.
Section 7.12.503. Surveys.
Section 7.12.505. Home health agency services.
Section 7.12.507. Governing body.
Section 7.12.508. Professional advisory committee.
Section 7.12.510. Home health agency administration.
Section 7.12.512. Quality improvement.
Section 7.12.513. Plan of care.
Section 7.12.514. Acceptance of patients.
Section 7.12.515. Agency staff(Repealed).
Section 7.12.516. Director of clinical services.
Section 7.12.517. Nursing services.
Section 7.12.519. Home health aide services.
Section 7.12.520. Nursing service(Repealed).
Section 7.12.521. Therapy services.
Section 7.12.523. Medical social work service.
Section 7.12.524. Nutrition services.
Section 7.12.525. Central supply.
Section 7.12.526. Infusion therapy.
Section 7.12.530. Medical records(Repealed).
Section 7.12.531. Agency policies and procedures.
Section 7.12.534. Patients' rights.
Section 7.12.535. Drugs(Repealed).
Section 7.12.537. Advance directives.
Section 7.12.540. Therapeutic treatment(Repealed).
Section 7.12.541. Abuse, neglect, and mistreatment.
Section 7.12.545. Agency policies and procedures(Repealed).
Section 7.12.550. Patient evaluation(Repealed).
Section 7.12.551. Drugs.
Section 7.12.555. Treatment plan(Repealed).
Section 7.12.558. Whole blood glucose monitoring.
Section 7.12.560. Review of records(Repealed).
Section 7.12.561. Clinical records.
Section 7.12.563. Contracts.
Section 7.12.565. Risk management.
Section 7.12.566. Infection control.
Section 7.12.570. Physical plant(Repealed).
Section 7.12.571. Employee health program.
Section 7.12.590. Definitions.
Section 7.12.600. Scope.
Section 7.12.605. Criminal history check requirements.
Section 7.12.610. Licensure.
Section 7.12.611. Exemptions from licensure.
Section 7.12.612. Licensure of critical access hospitals.
Section 7.12.620. Enforcement actions; informal reconsideration of findings.
Section 7.12.630. Governing body.
Section 7.12.640. Administration.
Section 7.12.650. Employee health program.
Section 7.12.660. Personnel.
Section 7.12.670. Nursing service.
Section 7.12.680. Pharmaceutical service.
Section 7.12.690. Physical therapy service.
Section 7.12.700. Social work service.
Section 7.12.710. Occupational therapy service.
Section 7.12.720. Dietetic service.
Section 7.12.730. Central service.
Section 7.12.740. Laundry service.
Section 7.12.750. Housekeeping service.
Section 7.12.760. Infection control.
Section 7.12.770. Medical record service.
Section 7.12.780. Radiological service.
Section 7.12.790. Laboratory service.
Section 7.12.800. Laboratory service policy and procedure(Repealed).
Section 7.12.810. Laboratory safety program(Repealed).
Section 7.12.820. Laboratory service proficiency test program(Repealed).
Section 7.12.830. Mailing of laboratory specimens.
Section 7.12.840. Supervision and direction of laboratory service.
Section 7.12.850. Laboratory testing service requirements(Repealed).
Section 7.12.860. Risk management.
Section 7.12.870. Emergency care service.
Section 7.12.880. Outpatient service.
Section 7.12.890. Rights of patients, clients, and residents.
Section 7.12.900. Physical plant.
Section 7.12.910. Contracts.
Section 7.12.920. Applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Section 7.12.925. Accredited entities.
Section 7.12.990. Definitions.