Article 7.27.1. Control of Diseases of Public Health Importance.

Section 7.27.005. Reporting by health care providers.
Section 7.27.007. Reporting by laboratories.
Section 7.27.008. Reporting by hospitals(Repealed).
Section 7.27.010. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual.
Section 7.27.011. Reporting of cancer and brain tumors.
Section 7.27.012. Birth defects registry.
Section 7.27.013. Reporting firearm injuries.
Section 7.27.014. Reporting of blood lead test results.
Section 7.27.015. Occupational health duties.
Section 7.27.016. Epidemiological investigations; right of inspection.
Section 7.27.017. Reporting of occupational disease and injury.
Section 7.27.018. Reporting of toxic or hazardous exposures.
Section 7.27.019. Reporting of health care-associated infections.
Section 7.27.020. Control of animal diseases transmissible to humans.
Section 7.27.022. Rabies vaccination and quarantine.
Section 7.27.030. Export and intrastate transportation of animals.
Section 7.27.040. Importation of dogs(Repealed).
Section 7.27.050. Possession of animal a crime(Repealed).
Section 7.27.060. General right of visitation(Repealed).
Section 7.27.070. The importation and intrastate transportation of psittacine birds in Alaska(Repealed).
Section 7.27.075. Importation and sale of turtles(Repealed).
Section 7.27.080. Quarantine of aviaries or pet shops(Repealed).
Section 7.27.110. Prophylactic treatment of newborns' eyes(Repealed).
Section 7.27.111. Prophylactic treatment of newborns' eyes.
Section 7.27.210. Eligibility for examination(Repealed).
Section 7.27.213. Tuberculosis screening of school children.
Section 7.27.215. Tuberculosis screening of school employees(Repealed).
Section 7.27.220. Procedure for claiming reimbursement(Repealed).
Section 7.27.350. Standard serological tests.
Section 7.27.360. Certification procedure(Repealed).
Section 7.27.370. Procedure for designation of isolated areas.
Section 7.27.380. General provisions defining area of isolation.
Section 7.27.390. Method of permit issuance and revocation.
Section 7.27.400. Persons eligible for treatment.
Section 7.27.510. Uniform standards.
Section 7.27.520. Persons required to collect specimens.
Section 7.27.530. Collection of blood specimen; refusal of collection.
Section 7.27.540. Specimen collection materials.
Section 7.27.550. Results of screening test.
Section 7.27.560. Confirmation.
Section 7.27.570. Annual review and report.
Section 7.27.575. Confidentiality.
Section 7.27.580. Reporting non-compliance.
Section 7.27.590. Definitions.
Section 7.27.600. Transfers of newborns to hospitals.
Section 7.27.610. Screening protocols.
Section 7.27.620. Reporting requirements.
Section 7.27.629. Definition.
Section 7.27.630. Congenital heart disease screening protocol.
Section 7.27.635. Congenital heart disease reporting requirements.
Section 7.27.650. Health care provider disclosure to the immunization information system.
Section 7.27.655. Data from the immunization information system.
Section 7.27.660. Reporting of discharge data; noncompliance.
Section 7.27.670. Informal review of state medical officer orders' orders.
Section 7.27.675. Informal review of isolation or quarantine orders.
Section 7.27.890. Confidentiality of required reports and medical records; applicability.
Section 7.27.891. Identifiable health information.
Section 7.27.892. Authorized uses of identifiable health information.
Section 7.27.893. Permitted disclosures.
Section 7.27.894. Scope of disclosures; secondary disclosures.
Section 7.27.895. Individuals subject to medical orders.
Section 7.27.896. Written consent to disclosure.
Section 7.27.897. Disclosures of nonidentifiable health information.
Section 7.27.898. Disposal of identifiable health information.
Section 7.27.899. Security safeguards.
Section 7.27.900. Definitions.