Section 7.27.350. Standard serological tests.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Standard serological tests for the purposes of AS 18.15.150 - 18.15.180 are RPR, VDRL, FTA-ABS, MHATP, or other tests that provide similar or better standards of accuracy and that have been approved by the department.  
    	(b)  Laboratories that have complied with the guidelines of 7 AAC 12.820 are approved to perform the tests described in (a) of this section.  
    	(c)  As used in this section:  
    		(1) "RPR" means rapid plasma reagin test, which is a screening test for syphilis;  
    		(2) "VDRL" means a venereal disease research laboratory test, which is a test to detect antibody to cardiolipin present in patients with syphilis;  
    		(3) "FTA-ABS" means fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test, which is a test for syphilis using fluorescent antibody techniques;  
    		(4) "MHATP" means Microhemagglutination-Treponema pallidum test, which is a test for syphilis.  




AS 18.05.040 AS 18.15.160
Eff. 8/9/84, Register 19