Section 7.27.610. Screening protocols.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The protocol for the hearing screening required under AS 47.20.310 includes  
    		(1) a list of the staff for the screening program, and a summary of the responsibilities of each staff member;   
    		(2) if a hospital technician or hospital volunteer performs the screening, a description of the training and supervision of that individual by a   
    			(A) physician described in (b)(1) of this section;   
    			(B) registered nurse described in (b)(3) of this section; or   
    			(C) physician assistant described in (b)(4) of this section;   
    		(3) at least one or more of the physiologic technologies listed in AS 47.20.310(e);  
    		(4) a description of the methods and equipment to be used to conduct the screening, including readily available backup equipment in the event of an equipment malfunction;   
    		(5) a description of infection control procedures;   
    		(6) samples of information to be provided to a parent about screening, including information about screening procedures, the potential risks of hearing loss, and the benefits of early detection and intervention;  
    		(7) the procedures for documenting the results of the screening;  
    		(8) the procedure for communicating to the parent and primary care provider and reporting to the department   
    			(A) a determination by screening that the newborn or infant may have a hearing impairment;   
    			(B) an unsuccessful screening; or  
    			(C) a missed screening;  
    		(9) a description of the training and supervision of individuals responsible for informing a parent of the screening results;  
    		(10) the procedure for ensuring that a newborn or infant who had an unsuccessful screening or who missed a screening will receive a screening; and  
    		(11) if a newborn or infant, as determined by screening, may have a hearing impairment, the procedure for ensuring that the parent receives information about follow-up care and a referral for confirmatory diagnostic evaluation to be completed before the newborn or infant is 90 days of age.   
    	(b)  Any of the following individuals may perform a hearing screening using the protocol in (a) of this section:  
    		(1) a physician licensed under AS 08.64;  
    		(2) an audiologist licensed under AS 08.11;  
    		(3) a registered nurse licensed under AS 08.68  and trained to perform hearing screening;  
    		(4) a physician assistant licensed under AS 08.64;  
    		(5) a hospital technician or hospital volunteer, if that individual  
    			(A) is trained by a physician described in (1) of this subsection, a registered nurse described in (3) of this subsection, or a physician assistant described in (4) of this subsection to perform hearing screening; and   
    			(B) performs hearing screening under the supervision of a physician described in (1) of this subsection, a registered nurse described in (3) of this subsection, or a physician assistant described in (4) of this subsection;   
    		(6) a federal employee working in a tribal health facility that is exempt from state licensure and who is a health care provider authorized to perform hearing screening; in this paragraph, "tribal health facility" means a facility owned and operated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service, or a facility owned and operated by a tribal organization, as defined in 25 U.S.C. 450b(l), under a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 458aaa-4 (Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act and Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000).   




AS 18.05.040 AS 47.20.300 AS 47.20.310
Eff. 1/17/2008, Register 185