Section 7.39.030. Grant payment.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will pay a participating facility a monthly grant payment calculated under AS 47.25.071(c) and (f), based on the participating facility's average daily full-time equivalent units of care for the month, and the amount of appropriations available.  
    	(b)  To receive a monthly grant payment, a participating facility must submit to the department, in a format prescribed by the department, a payment request containing the following information relating to the grant payment:  
    		(1) the number of children in care during the previous month, indicating whether the care is part-time or full-time;  
    		(2) a description of how the grant payment for the previous month was spent during that month;  
    		(3) any change in information provided in the application submitted under 7 AAC 39.020;  
    		(4) the number of children described in 7 AAC 39.025(a)(3) and (4) who are enrolled for care in the participating facility;  
    		(5) a calculation under 7 AAC 39.035 of the average daily full-time equivalent units of care during the previous month.  
    	(c)  A payment request must be submitted on or before the last day of the month following the month to which the request applies. Payment for a request submitted after the deadline will be made only if the department determines that the late submission was due to an emergency situation consisting of an unforeseen event.  
    	(d)  If the department determines that information in a payment request is incorrect or incomplete, the department will return the request to the participating facility. Unless the request is corrected and resubmitted to the department no later than the last day of the month following the month in which it was returned by the department, the department will not make a grant payment for that payment request.  
    	(e)  The department will not make a payment under this section to an agency, individual, or business other than the participating child care facility.  
    	(f)  In this section, "participating facility" means a facility that has met the requirements of AS 47.25.071 and this chapter and is receiving grant payments under AS 47.25.071 and this chapter.   




AS 47.25.001 AS 47.25.071
Eff. 6/23/2006, Register 178