Section 7.41.210. Provider responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Except for a provider subject to 7 AAC 41.370, a participating provider shall  
    		(1) at or before a child's admission for care, obtain emergency information about the child from the child's parent, including  
    			(A) information about any drug or other allergies;  
    			(B) information about any medication the child is taking or medical or other treatment the child requires;  
    			(C) information on how to contact the child's parent and at least one other local emergency contact individual;  
    			(D) permission slips on a form prescribed by the department, signed by the parent, for emergency transport to a health care facility and for the provision of emergency care and treatment; and  
    			(E) the name of a hospital and physician of choice as designated by the parent;  
    		(2) maintain the information obtained under (1) of this subsection on a form prescribed by the department; and  
    		(3) review and update information obtained under (1) of this subsection at least semi-annually, and more often if a parent provides changed or additional information.  
    	(b)  A provider may not admit a child if that child's admission would place the provider beyond the conditions of approval to participate in the child care assistance program under this chapter.  
    	(c)  Except for a provider subject to 7 AAC 41.370, a participating provider  
    		(1) shall provide complete, accurate, and current information regarding any factor that would affect eligibility to participate in the child care assistance program under this chapter;  
    		(2) shall remain in compliance with the applicable requirements of this chapter; in addition, a provider subject to the licensing requirements of 7 AAC 57 shall remain in compliance with the applicable requirements of that chapter; a provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(2), (3), or (4) shall remain in compliance with the applicable requirements of the accrediting, certifying, or approving agency;  
    		(3) may not exclude a participating family from any discount rate offered by the provider;  
    		(4) shall provide written notice of any rate increase to the department or designee and to participating families at least 30 days before the increase will take effect;  
    		(5) must have a valid authorization before billing the department for services under this chapter;  
    		(6) shall immediately notify the department regarding any circumstance that involves abuse, harm, or serious risk of harm to children in care;  
    		(7) shall give written notice to the department or designee and to a participating family at least 14 days before child care services are discontinued;  
    		(8) shall ensure that a substitute caregiver whose services are used by the provider, except during an unplanned, unexpected circumstance that must be addressed immediately,  
    			(A) has a valid criminal history check as required under 7 AAC 41.205;  
    			(B) has been determined by the department or designee to be otherwise eligible to provide care for children under the applicable standards of 7 AAC 41.205; and  
    			(C) has signed a verification that the substitute caregiver has read and understands the provider's responsibilities under this chapter, and is capable of fulfilling those responsibilities in the provider's absence; and  
    		(9) shall ensure that a substitute caregiver does not provide care for more than 30 days in any 12-month period unless prior approval has been received from the department or designee; a provider seeking prior approval must submit a written request that sets out the reasons for the substitute caregiver providing care for more than 30 days; the department will or the designee shall approve the request if a determination is made that the health, welfare, and safety of children in care will be protected.  




AS 47.05.300 AS 47.05.310 AS 47.25.001
Eff. 6/23/2006, Register 178; am 2/9/2007, Register 181