Section 7.41.225. Diapering.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A licensed provider must meet the requirements of 7 AAC 10.1060(d) and (e) and 7 AAC 57. A provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(2), (3), or (4) must meet the applicable diapering requirements of the accrediting, certifying, or approving agency.  
    	(b)  A provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(d) or (e) who provides care for infants or toddlers shall use safe and sanitary equipment and supplies for diapering where infants and toddlers are in care, including easy accessibility for the caregiver to wash the caregiver's hands each time after changing a diaper. The provider shall ensure that  
    		(1) the diaper changing area  
    			(A) is not located in a food preparation area and is not used for temporary placement or serving of food;  
    			(B) has one accessible handsink located in, or immediately adjacent to, that area;  
    		(2) each surface used for changing diapers is smooth, durable, nonabsorbent, and easily cleanable;  
    		(3) sufficient quantities of clean diapers are available and are neatly stored;   
    		(4) nonlatex gloves and handwashing supplies are available to prevent contamination, and are used in conjunction with the precautions described in 7 AAC 41.215(e)(12);  
    		(5) for soiled clothing or cloth diapers, solid waste contents are disposed of by dumping the contents into a toilet and placing the diapers, without rinsing, in  
    			(A) an impervious bag to be given to the parent for laundering, if applicable; or  
    			(B) an easily cleanable, covered container that is  
    				(i) lined with plastic;  
    				(ii) designed to prevent the caregiver from contaminating the exterior surface of the container or the caregiver when inserting the soiled diaper;  
    				(iii) designed with a firm-fitting cover;  
    				(iv) provided within the caregiver's reach of the diaper changing area; and  
    				(v) emptied, cleaned, and sanitized daily;  
    		(6) each diaper changing surface is cleaned and sanitized after each use; if a single-use, disposable cover is placed on the diapering surface before diapering, that cover must be disposed of immediately after diapering; the use of a cover does not preclude or substitute for cleaning and sanitizing the surface or area after each use even if the surface or area is not visibly contaminated;  
    		(7) after a soiled disposable diaper is removed, it is folded inward and resealed before disposal into a container described in (5)(B) of this subsection;  
    		(8) if single-use, disposable wipes are used during diapering, the disposable wipes are discarded after use; if a nondisposable cloth is used, that cloth must be placed immediately, without rinsing, in  
    			(A) an impervious bag to be given to the parent for laundering, if applicable; or  
    			(B) a container described in (5)(B) of this subsection;  
    		(9) diaper changing supplies, including containers of cream and lotion, are kept clean and sanitary; and  
    		(10) children do not handle diaper changing supplies.  





7 AAC 41.215
AS 47.25.001
Eff. 6/23/2006, Register 178