Section 7.41.990. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise,  
    		(1) "adult" means an individual who is 18 years of age or older;  
    		(2) "approved provider" means a provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(d) or (e) who has been found eligible to participate in the child care assistance program;  
    		(3) "approved in-home child care provider" means an in-home child care provider who is approved under 7 AAC 41.370(d);  
    		(4) "ATAP" means the Alaska Temporary Assistance Program under AS 47.27;  
    		(5) "attendance" means the time during which a child is actually in the care of a provider;  
    		(6) "attendance rate" means a daily, part-time daily, or hourly rate for actual time a child is in care;  
    		(7) "authorized" means contained in a child care authorization;  
    		(8) "category of care" means a classification of child care described in 7 AAC 41.025(b) and specified in a child care authorization;  
    		(9) "child," when that term is used to refer to  
    			(A) a child receiving child care services under this chapter, has the meaning given that term in AS 47.25.095;  
    			(B) the children of a family, for purposes of determining family eligibility, means an individual under 18 years of age;  
    		(10) "child care" has the meaning given "day care" in AS 47.25.095;  
    		(11) "child care assistance program" means the program described in 7 AAC 41.010;  
    		(12) "child care authorization" means the written authorization regarding program assistance issued under 7 AAC 41.340;  
    		(13) "clean" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(14) "contaminate" or "contamination" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(15) "contract" means an agreement between the department and a designee, under which the department provides money to the designee to carry out the program under AS 47.25.001 - 47.25.095 and this chapter;  
    		(16) "CPR" means cardiopulmonary resuscitation;  
    		(17) "day" means calendar day;  
    		(18) "department" means the Department of Health and Social Services;  
    		(19) "designee" means a municipality or other entity that has been designated by the department to assume one or more of the department's duties under this chapter;  
    		(20) "easily cleanable" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(21) "eligible cost of care" means the program rate set under 7 AAC 41.025 or the provider's charge for services, whichever is less;  
    		(22) "eligible family" means a family that meets the requirements of this chapter for receiving program benefits;  
    		(23) "eligible provider" means a licensed provider or an approved provider determined by the department or a designee to be eligible to participate in the program;  
    		(24) "enrollment rate" means a rate based on a schedule of an estimated number of units of a care per month, regardless of the actual time a child is in care;  
    		(25) "family" means a group described in 7 AAC 41.013;  
    		(26) "food" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(27) "grant" has the meaning given "contract" in this section;  
    		(28) "handsink" means a lavatory  
    			(A) equipped to provide hot and cold running water in a manner that meets the requirements of 7 AAC 41.220(c)(9)(D); and  
    			(B) used solely for washing hands, face, arms, or other portions of the body;  
    		(29) "impervious bag" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(30) "inactive status" means retention of eligibility while not actively receiving benefits;  
    		(31) "in care" means receiving care in a provider's facility;  
    		(32) "in-home child care" means child care services provided in the child's own home by an approved in-home child care provider;  
    		(33) "in-home child care provider" means an individual who provides child care services in the child's own home; "in-home child care provider" does not include the child's parent;  
    		(34) "licensed provider" means a provider licensed under AS 47.32  and 7 AAC 57;  
    		(35) "month" means a calendar month;  
    		(36) "monthly enrollment rate" means a rate based on a schedule of an estimated number of units of care per month;  
    		(37) "municipality" has the meaning given in AS 01.10.060;  
    		(38) "parent" means a  
    			(A) parent by blood, marriage, or adoption;  
    			(B) legal guardian of a child; or  
    			(C) person standing in loco parentis;  
    		(39) "participating family" means a family the department has determined to be eligible to participate in the program and to whom the department has issued a current child care authorization;  
    		(40) "participating provider" means a provider providing child care services under a child care authorization;  
    		(41) "PASS" means Parents Achieving Self-Sufficiency;  
    		(42) "pest" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(43) "potable water" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(44) "program" means the child care assistance program under AS 47.25.001 - 47.25.095 and this chapter;  
    		(45) "provider" means  
    			(A) a provider licensed under 7 AAC 57; for purposes of this subparagraph, "provider" has the meaning given "day care facility" under AS 47.25.095;  
    			(B) a provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(2), (3), and (4);  
    			(C) an approved provider; and  
    			(D) an approved in-home child care provider;  
    		(46) "registration fee" means a charge associated with the initial or annual enrollment of a child by a provider;  
    		(47) "regularly provides care" means that a child is enrolled for regular care with a provider, regardless of whether that child receives fill-time or part-time care;  
    		(48) "relative" means a child who, by marriage, blood, or court decree, is the  
    			(A) grandchild or great-grandchild of the provider;  
    			(B) niece, nephew, great-niece, or great-nephew of the provider; or  
    			(C) sibling of the provider, if the provider lives in a separate residence;  
    		(49) "sanitize" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(50) "single-use" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(51) "subcontract" means a binding legal agreement that provides for an organization or an individual other than the designee to carry out the administrative duties required by a grant or contract under this chapter;  
    		(52) "toilet" has the meaning given in 7 AAC 10.9990;  
    		(53) "unit" means a fixed duration of child care time in relation to a rate, such as an hourly rate, part-tune daily rate, full-time daily rate, part-time monthly, or monthly enrollment rate;  
    		(54) "work" means an activity described in 7 AAC 41.312;  
    		(55) "work activities" has the meaning given in AS 47.27.900.  
    	(b)  In the definition of "developmental disability" in AS 47.25.095, "disability" means a condition attributable to one or more mental or physical impairments that are severe, chronic, and likely to continue indefinitely.  




AS 47.05.010 AS 47.25.001 AS 47.25.095
Eff. 6/23/2006, Register 178