Section 7.45.205. Notice of finding.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will give adequate notice of an eligibility determination to each applicant. If the applicant has been found eligible, the notice will indicate the amount of benefits for which the applicant is eligible and when payment begins. If the applicant has been found ineligible and the application denied, the notice will indicate the specific reason for the denial and an explanation of the applicant's right to request a hearing to reconsider the denial.  
    	(b)  No later than the 30th day after receipt of a complete application in a district office of the division handling public assistance matters in the department, the department will mail a notice to the applicant to confirm that the department has found the applicant either eligible or ineligible for benefits or that the application was withdrawn as provided for in 7 AAC 45.200(a). The department will not delay a finding, deny benefits, or terminate benefits on the basis that it was unable to comply with the 30-day time limit established by this subsection.  





7 AAC 45.160
AS 47.05.010 AS 47.27.005 AS 47.27.020
Eff. 8/5/92, Register 123; am 10/1/97, Register 143; am 1/7/2005, Register 173