Section 7.49.070. Contents of notice regarding denial, reduction, suspension, or termination of benefits.  

Latest version.
  • In a written notice provided under 7 AAC 49.060 of a department action to deny, reduce, suspend, or terminate assistance, and unless otherwise specified in applicable federal regulations, the department will state in the written notice the reasons for the proposed action, including the statute, regulation, or policy upon which that action is based. In the notice the department also will inform the recipient  
    		(1) of the recipient's right to a hearing;  
    		(2) how to request a hearing;  
    		(3) that if requested the department will assist the recipient in making a hearing request;  
    		(4) by whom the recipient may be represented or assisted; and  
    		(5) the conditions, if any, under which assistance may continue if a hearing is requested.  




AS 47.05.010 AS 47.25.130 AS 47.25.170 AS 47.25.460
Eff. 3/23/78, Register 65; am 6/26/99, Register 150; am 4/4/2013, Register 206