Section 7.50.300. Admission.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A facility shall  
    		(1) at or before a child's admission to the facility, obtain emergency information on a child, if known, from the child's parent or placement worker, including  
    			(A) information about the child's drug or other allergies;  
    			(B) information about any medication the child is taking or medical treatment the child requires; and  
    			(C) for a child to be admitted  
    				(i) deleted 7/1/2000;  
    				(ii) to a full time care facility, an authorization for the emergency medical or surgical care for the child; and  
    		(2) maintain the information on a form provided by the division.  
    	(b)  A facility may not admit a child when the child's admission would place the facility outside of the conditions on the facility's license.  
    	(c)  A facility may not admit an adult for care unless the placement worker for each child in care and the facility develop plans of care that  
    		(1) ensure the health and safety of children in care as well as the adult seeking services; and  
    		(2) are approved by the licensing representative.  
    	(d)  A foster home may not admit a child for day care, except on approval of a variance under AS 47.35.027 that ensures  
    		(1) any applicable fire code is met; and  
    		(2) the needs of foster children are primary.  
    	(e)  A foster home may admit a child from only one agency unless the licensing representative for that agency has given prior approval for the placement of a child from another agency.  
    	(f)  At or before a child's admission to a foster home, a foster parent shall sign a foster care agreement containing the conditions relating to the care of the child that are specified by the child placement agency and the rate to be paid for care.  
    	(g)  At or before a child's admission to a foster home, a foster parent shall collaborate with the child's placement worker and parent, when appropriate, in developing and implementing a plan of care for the child, including addressing  
    		(1) reasonable accommodations for a child with special needs; and  
    		(2) independent living skills for a child age 16 or older.  
    	(h)  Deleted 7/1/2000.  
    	(i)  At or before a child with significant medical needs is admitted to a facility, the facility shall collaborate with the child's placement worker and parent, when applicable, in developing and implementing a plan of care for the child, including addressing the facility's plan for ensuring licensed medical personnel are available to perform the prescribed services.  
    	(j)  A facility shall review information provided about a child under (g) or (h) and (i) of this section and 7 AAC 50.320(c) in order to determine whether the facility can satisfy the child's needs. If, after reviewing that information and the application, the facility determines it can satisfy the child's needs, the facility may admit the child. If the facility has reason to believe that, even with reasonable accommodation, the facility cannot meet the needs of the child, the facility may deny admission to the child.  


