Section 7.50.430. Program in foster homes.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A foster parent shall demonstrate respect for the foster child's own family and shall work with the foster child's family members as indicated in the child's plan of care.  
    	(b)  A foster parent shall recognize, encourage, and support the religious beliefs, ethnic and cultural heritage, and language of a child's birth parents and shall respect the expressed religious preference of the birth parents for their child. However, a foster parent shall respect the preference of a foster child nine years of age or older. A foster parent shall, within reason, arrange transportation to religious services or ethnic and cultural events that, based upon the child's background, are appropriate for the child.  
    	(c)  A foster parent shall provide structure and daily activities designed to promote the individual physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development and good health habits of a child in care. Satisfactory compliance with this subsection requires that, for young children, the requirements of former 7 AAC 50.420(a)(1) - (a)(6) and (b) in effect as of 6/30/2000, are met, except that the schedule and activity plan need not be written.  
    	(d)  A foster parent shall treat foster children equitably with the foster parent's own children.  
    	(e)  A foster parent shall give a child in foster care the opportunity to learn responsibility for chores appropriate to the child's age, health, and ability. A foster parent shall ensure that the chores are shared equitably with other children in the foster home and do not interfere with school, health, and necessary recreation.  
    	(f)  A foster parent shall consider money earned or money received as a gift, allowance, or from some other source as the foster child's personal property and shall assist a child who maintains funds in excess of $200 in establishing a personal bank account. No member of a foster home may borrow or spend money acquired by the foster child.  
    	(g)  A foster parent may place limitations on the amount of money a child may possess or to which the child may have unencumbered access if the limitations are in the child's best interest.  
    	(h)  A foster parent shall allow the foster child to bring and acquire personal belongings and shall send all personal clothing and belongings in use at the time and any clothing that the foster child will grow into with the child when the child leaves the foster home.  
    	(i)  A foster parent shall provide each foster child with the child's own clean, well fitting, attractive, seasonal clothing appropriate to age, sex, and individual needs and comparable in quality, quantity, and appearance to that worn by other children in the community.  
    	(j)  A foster parent, in conjunction with the foster child's own parents, when appropriate, shall take part in the selection and arrangements for education appropriate for the child's age, abilities, and plan of care.  
    	(k)  Repealed 3/1/98.  




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010
Eff. 1/1/96, Register 136; am 3/1/98, Register 145