Section 7.50.610. Emergency shelter care in full time care facilities.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A full time care facility may not accept children for emergency shelter care, including respite care, without an emergency shelter care specialization approved by the division.  
    	(b)  A full time care facility may be approved to provide emergency shelter care in combination with regular foster or residential care. A residential care facility shall submit a plan for emergency shelter care to the division for review and approval that  
    		(1) designates the number of beds for each type of care to be provided by the facility; and  
    		(2) identifies how each type of care will be provided by the facility.  
    	(c)  Upon admission, a full time care facility shall conduct a brief health review of the child using the division's form 06-9372 (Rev. 10/95) and shall secure any necessary medical or dental treatment needed by the child. Form 06-9372 (Rev. 10/95) is adopted by reference as a part of this subsection.  
    	(d)  A foster home that provides emergency shelter care must have one foster parent generally available in the home.  
    	(e)  To the extent it provides emergency shelter care, a residential child care facility is exempt from the following provisions:  
    		(1) 7 AAC 50.320(c), (e), (f), and (g);  
    		(2) 7 AAC 50.330;  
    		(3) 7 AAC 50.340(e);  
    		(4) 7 AAC 50.425(a), (b), (f), (h), (j), (k)(3), (k)(4), (l), (m), and (p); and  
    		(5) 7 AAC 50.455(b)(3) and (d).  
    	(f)  A residential child care facility shall provide a program to children in emergency shelter care that includes structure and daily activities designed to promote the individual physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development and good health habits of a child in care.  
    	(g)  A residential child care facility that provides emergency shelter care to young children shall meet the supervision requirements of former 7 AAC 50.400(b)(1) - (3), in effect as of 7/1/2000, for young children.  
    	(h)  A residential child care facility providing emergency shelter care shall promote child development by  
    		(1) meeting the requirements of former 7 AAC 50.420(a)(1) - (6) and (b), in effect as of 7/1/2000 for young children; and  
    		(2) ensuring continued school attendance for a school aged child whenever possible, including enrolling the child in a local school as soon as possible when attendance at the child's own school is not appropriate or possible.  
    	(i)  A residential child care facility providing only emergency shelter care shall have intake open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and shall have one awake staff member at all times.  
    	(j)  A residential child care facility providing emergency shelter care shall make and maintain an individual record for each child admitted for emergency shelter care. The individual record must contain  
    		(1) information obtained upon admission of a child, including  
    			(A) the name, sex, race, and birth date or age of the child;  
    			(B) the name, address, and telephone number of the child's parent or guardian, if known;  
    			(C) the name, address, and telephone number of the person who placed the child;  
    			(D) the reasons for emergency shelter care;  
    			(E) allowed or restricted contact with relatives or other individuals, if available or known;  
    			(F) medical information about the child, including medication, allergies, special treatments, or special diets; and  
    			(G) the anticipated discharge date;  
    		(2) a consent for emergency medical and surgical care; and  
    		(3) an assessment of the child's immediate and specific needs and a brief plan of care; the plan of care must be prepared within five calendar days of admission and must be copied to the child's placement worker; the plan of care must include  
    			(A) short-range goals and tentative long-range goals for the child and the child's family;  
    			(B) plans for family involvement, as appropriate;  
    			(C) the specific services to be provided by the facility and other resources to meet the child's needs; and  
    			(D) the anticipated discharge date.  
    	(k)  To the extent it provides emergency shelter care, a residential child care facility may not maintain a child in care for longer than 30 days unless there is documentation in accordance with this subsection that continued care is necessary. Thirty days after admission and every 15 days thereafter an assessment must be completed by facility staff in cooperation with the child's placement worker. The assessment must include  
    		(1) the reasons for continued care;  
    		(2) plans for other placement; and  
    		(3) barriers to other placement and plans to eliminate the barriers.  




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010 Editor's note: The division's form 06-9372 (Rev. 10/95) adopted by reference in 7 AAC 50.610(c) is on file in the office of the lieutenant governor and may be obtained from the Division of Family and Youth Services, P.O. Box 110630, 350 Main Street, Room 404, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0630, or any office of the division.
Eff. 1/1/96, Register 136; am 3/1/98, Register 145

