Section 7.50.645. Care for pregnant and parenting adolescents in full time care facilities.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A full time care facility may not advertise or represent that it specializes in care for pregnant and parenting adolescents without a specialization in care for pregnant and parenting adolescents approved by the division.  
    	(b)  In a foster home that specializes in care for pregnant and parenting adolescents  
    		(1) the home shall meet the requirements of this section and the requirements of 7 AAC 50.720 - 7 AAC 50.790;  
    		(2) the home may utilize available community services to meet a requirement in 7 AAC 50.720 - 7 AAC 50.790 rather than providing a service directly; however, a home shall document a service provided by a community agency; and  
    		(3) in addition to meeting the training requirements of 7 AAC 50.250(g), one foster parent in the home shall receive at least one hour of training in each of the topics set out in 7 AAC 50.720(a)(1) - (6).  
    	(c)  A residential child care facility that specializes in care for pregnant and parenting adolescents  
    		(1) shall meet the requirements of this section and the requirements of 7 AAC 50.700 - 7 AAC 50.790;  
    		(2) may elect to apply for a residential child care facility license with a specialization in care for pregnant and parenting adolescents or to apply for maternity home license; and  
    		(3) may provide care for pregnant and parenting adolescents in combination with other residential child care provided the facility  
    			(A) is licensed as a residential child care facility specializing in care of pregnant and parenting adolescents, rather than a maternity home;  
    			(B) provides separate programs for each type of care; and  
    			(C) minimizes exposure of infants to illness or behavioral problems of children in care.  
    	(d)  In this section, "care for pregnant and parenting adolescents" means care for pregnant adolescents, before or after the adolescent gives birth, or care as needed to adolescent mothers and their children.  




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010
Eff. 1/1/96, Register 136; am 3/1/98, Register 145