Section 7.50.730. Admission and planning.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A facility shall require an expectant mother who is admitted to the facility to have a complete medical examination, including obstetrical information and findings, not later than one week after the admission of the expectant mother.  
    	(b)  A facility shall compile a family medical history on the expectant mother and, if available, the father.  
    	(c)  If appropriate in preparing the plan of care required for a pregnant adolescent under 7 AAC 50.300(g) or the treatment plan under 7 AAC 50.330, a facility shall include the expectant father and paternal relatives. The plan must include  
    		(1) the plan for and receipt of medical care and dental care for an infant or older child accompanying the pregnant adolescent, as applicable;  
    		(2) an assessment of the expectant father's interest in the child, including a notation of whether paternity has been legally established;  
    		(3) an assessment of the adolescent's parenting capabilities;  
    		(4) an assessment of the health and development of the infant or older child, including available developmental assessments from health examinations; and  
    		(5) documentation of how the adolescent is being prepared for self-sufficiency.  
    	(d)  If an adolescent expresses interest in surrendering her infant for adoption, the facility shall  
    		(1) provide the adolescent with an initial explanation of the implications and process of adoption;  
    		(2) notify the adolescent's placement worker, if applicable;  
    		(3) notify the adolescent's parent, if applicable; and  
    		(4) offer the adolescent information on child placement agencies.  





7 AAC 50.710
AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010(a)(3)
Eff. 3/1/98, Register 145