Section 7.52.020. Search upon admission.  

Latest version.
  • Staff members of a facility may search each juvenile for contraband immediately upon the juvenile's admission to the facility. However, the staff may not strip search a juvenile charged with a traffic offense for one hour after the juvenile is admitted to that facility. During that hour, the juvenile may post bail, and the staff shall keep the juvenile separate from the general population of the facility. If, at the end of one hour, it is not apparent that bail will be posted imminently, the staff shall continue the admission procedure, including a strip search. If, at any time, this juvenile's actions are a threat to the safety and security of the facility, the staff may use its discretion to strip search the juvenile and place him or her in a secure room.  




AS 47.05.010 AS 47.14.010 AS 47.14.020 AS 47.14.050 AS 47.14.100
Eff. 7/3/80, Register 74; am 1/14/2000, Register 153