Section 7.54.140. Disclosure to state officials and legislators.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department may disclose child protection information, including lists of clients, to other branches of state government and to municipalities, that finance programs or services used by department clients, if the disclosure is necessary to ensure continued levels of financing and the recipient of the information has confidentiality standards equivalent to those in this chapter.  
    	(b)  The department may disclose child protection information, excluding privileged attorney-client information, to state officials or employees in accordance with AS 47.10.092(a). For purposes of AS 47.10.092(a) and this subsection, "privileged attorney-client information" means information that would disclose communication made for the purpose of facilitating rendition of legal services to a client, whether the communication is between an attorney and client, or between agents of attorneys for clients. For purposes of this subsection, communications between department social workers and agents of the Department of Law are communications made for the purpose of facilitating rendition of legal services to a client. The department will notify the official requesting information that was withheld under this subsection, of the opportunity of the parent whose complaint led to an investigation under AS 47.10.092(a) to use the grievance procedure provided in 7 AAC 54.245 - 7 AAC 54.260 to challenge the withholding of the information.  
    	(c)  The department may make child protection information available to auditors working under the authority of the legislature or state administration, if the auditors have written guidelines for safeguarding the confidentiality of information obtained under this section.  
    	(d)  The department may make child protection information available to the state office of the ombudsman or state office of victim's rights if the office of the ombudsman or office of victim's rights has regulations for safeguarding the confidentiality of information obtained under this subsection.  




AS 47.05.010 AS 47.05.015 AS 47.05.020 AS 47.05.030 AS 47.05.040 AS 47.10.092 AS 47.10.093 AS 47.14.010 AS 47.17.040 Editor's note: From the time of the adoption of 7 AAC 36.140 in 1983 until its correction in Register 102 (July 1987), this section jumped from subsection (b) to subsection (d) with no subsection (c) in between. As of Register 102, what was designated (d) became (c) and what was (e) became (d).
Eff. 5/15/83, Register 86; am 10/14/2005, Register 176; am 9/7/2013, Register 207

