Section 7.54.340. Disclosure of information concerning juveniles not subject to court's jurisdiction.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the limitations in 7 AAC 54.320, the division may disclose information concerning a minor acquired while the minor was not subject to the jurisdiction of the court under AS 47.12  to persons with a legitimate interest, who include  
    		(1) the minor or, upon receipt of written authorization from the minor, the minor's designee;  
    		(2) a parent or guardian of the minor, upon receipt of a written request from the parent or guardian;  
    		(3) a guardian ad litem or court custody investigator when the minor is the subject of a court proceeding in which a guardian ad litem or court custody investigator is appointed; and  
    		(4) a person or agency asked to provide consultation or services for the minor, upon receipt of written authorization from the minor or the minor's parent or guardian.  




AS 47.05.010 AS 47.12.310 AS 47.14.010 AS 47.17.040
Eff. 1/14/2000, Register 153