Section 7.56.310. Rights and responsibilities of children receiving agency services.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An agency shall ensure children receiving agency services receive the following general rights:  
    		(1) a child's legal rights are protected while a child is in foster or residential care and in adoptive or guardianship placement before finalization of the adoption or guardianship;  
    		(2) a child who is able to read is provided a copy of the agency's written statement or pamphlet as specified in 7 AAC 56.300(b);  
    		(3) a child is not abused or neglected;  
    		(4) a child is placed and supervised appropriately in the least restrictive setting capable of meeting the child's needs, including the child's physical, emotional, religious, and cultural needs, and considering siblings, extended family, and other relationships;  
    		(5) a child receives an appropriate education;  
    		(6) a child receives appropriate health care;  
    		(7) a child has an opportunity to participate in community functions and recreational activities and to have the child's social needs met.  
    	(b)  An agency shall ensure family contact for a child receiving agency services as follows:  
    		(1) a child must have the opportunity for sibling visits and contact when a sibling is not placed in the same home or facility, unless contacts are not in the child's best interest:  
    		(2) a child must have the opportunity for visits with extended family unless contacts are not in the child's best interest; and  
    		(3) unless parental rights have been terminated or relinquished, or unless contacts are not in the child's best interest, contacts between a child and the child's parent must be allowed according to the agency's policies or to the department's policies for a child in state custody.  




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010
Eff. 1/1/2001, Register 156