Section 7.56.440. Service plan reviews.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Within 30 days of a foster or residential care placement, the worker responsible for a child shall review the appropriateness of the child's placement. The worker shall update the child's individual service plan if necessary or work together with the foster parents or staff responsible for the child's care to revise the child's agreement and plan of care or treatment plan.  
    	(b)  An agency shall develop a plan for the child's permanent placement within 60 days of placement in foster or residential care.  
    	(c)  An agency shall develop a policy for reviewing service plans appropriate to the needs of the children served. The policy must address issues of disruption of placement and planned subsequent placements in addition to regular reviews. Periodically, and at least every six months from the date of placement, until family reunification, emancipation or adoption or guardianship finalization, the agency shall review and revise as necessary, the service plan for each child.  
    	(d)  An agency serving a child in state custody shall cooperate in any foster or residential care review under AS 47.14.200 - AS 47.14.299 and an administrative foster or residential care review by the division under 42 U.S.C. 622 and 675, if required.   




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010
Eff. 1/1/2001, Register 156