Section 7.56.500. Placement agreement.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  For foster and residential care placements, an agency shall develop a placement agreement, with the involvement of the child, if the child is able to read and understand the agreement, and with the child's parent. If the involvement of any of these persons is not feasible or desirable, the agency shall document the reasons. All parties involved shall sign the agreement. The agency shall keep a copy of the agreement in the child's record and provide a copy to the child and the child's parent.  
    	(b)  The placement agreement required by (a) of this section must indicate a date of expiration of the agreement no later than one year from the date of signing. It must also include by reference or attachment  
    		(1) an authorization to care for the child;  
    		(2) the type of placement setting that is planned;  
    		(3) the goals for the care of the child and anticipated length of placement;  
    		(4) a delineation of the respective roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, including services to be provided by the agency, services to be provided through community resources, and services to be provided by the parent;  
    		(5) health information on the child required by 7 AAC 50.455(b);  
    		(6) arrangements regarding family visits, mail, gifts, telephone calls, and personal money, in excess of $100, belonging to the child;  
    		(7) consent forms signed by an authorized person, including consent for emergency medical and surgical care required by 7 AAC 50.300(a)(1)(C)(ii);  
    		(8) arrangements as to the nature and frequency of reports to, and meetings involving the child's parent;  
    		(9) provision for notification of a parent in the event of unauthorized absences, medical or dental problems, and any significant events regarding the child;  
    		(10) provision for obtaining parent permission when circumstances warrant, such as for a child's major medical care or for a child's participation in certain risk activities;  
    		(11) financial responsibilities of all parties, including responsibility for the provision of medical care;  
    		(12) a plan for reevaluation and modification of the agreement; and  
    		(13) a statement informing a parent that the parent has the right to regain care of the child at any time upon request, unless the child is by court order, a child in state custody.  
    	(c)  An agency may combine the agreement required by (a) of this section with the foster care agreement required by 7 AAC 50.300(f). An agency may also combine the agreement required by (a) of this section, the foster care agreement required by 7 AAC 50.300(f), and the plan of care for foster care required by 7 AAC 50.300(g). If the agency does not combine agreements and the plan of care, the agency shall ensure that information in the separate documents is consistent.  
    	(d)  When an agency also operates a residential child care facility, the agency may combine the agreement required by (a) of this section with the residential child care agreement required by 7 AAC 50.320(f). If the agency does not combine agreements, the agency shall ensure that information in the separate agreements is consistent.   





7 AAC 56.510
AS 44.29.020 AS 47.35.010
Eff. 1/1/2001, Register 156