Section 7.57.350. Orientation and training.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A child care facility with one or more employees shall provide an orientation to each caregiver that relates to the caregiver's duties and responsibilities and that includes  
    		(1) the facility's policies and procedures;  
    		(2) where appropriate, satisfying the individual needs of children;  
    		(3) emergency procedures and health and safety measures; and  
    		(4) the applicable requirements of 7 AAC 10.1000 - 7 AAC 10.1095 and 7 AAC 57.005 - 7 AAC 57.810.  
    	(b)  The orientation required in (a) of this section must begin at the time of employment, or the effective date of a contract for a caregiver under contract, and must be completed within eight weeks.  
    	(c)  Training hours required in this section are clock hours and, except as provided in (d) of this section, may include any training relevant to the caregiver's responsibilities, including health and safety, child growth and development, planning learning activities, guidance and discipline techniques, linkages with community services, communication and relations with families, and detecting and reporting child abuse and neglect. Training must be documented. Documentation must include the date, subject, method of training, duration, and the name of the individual who conducted the training.  
    	(d)  A child care facility shall ensure that each caregiver who provides care for infants and toddlers receives at least one hour of training during the first year of employment, and at least one hour every two years thereafter. Training under this subsection must include  
    		(1) recognizing and preventing shaken baby syndrome;  
    		(2) preventing sudden infant death syndrome; and  
    		(3) identifying infant and toddler developmental levels and needs.  
    	(e)  Except when a substitute caregiver is providing care in a child care home for a period of 30 days or less, a child care facility shall have on duty at all times at least one caregiver with valid certification for first aid and age-appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), unless the courses for these certifications are not available within 60 miles by road of the facility. A currently certified emergency medical or trauma technician on duty at the child care facility satisfies the requirements of this subsection. If certification courses are not available, the facility shall ensure that sufficient caregivers to satisfy the requirements of this section, and that at least one caregiver on duty,  
    		(1) is instructed in first aid and age-appropriate CPR procedures through distance learning training videos and other materials approved by the department; and  
    		(2) completes and passes the first available first aid and CPR certification course offered within 60 miles by road of the facility.  
    	(f)  Except as provided in the training requirements of 7 AAC 57.300 for the administrator, and of 7 AAC 57.330 for a child care associate, a child care center, child care group home, or child care home shall ensure that each administrator, child care associate, and caregiver receives at least 24 hours of training relevant to child care and development each year, based on the individual's hire date with the facility. The 24 hours must be in addition to the orientation required under (a) of this section and the training in first aid and CPR required under (e) of this section. The annual training requirements of this subsection may be satisfied each year by obtaining college credit relevant to child care and development.  
    	(g)  Repealed 5/15/2016.  
    	(h)  Repealed 5/15/2016.  
    	(i)  In addition to meeting the requirements of (a) and (b) of this section, a part-time caregiver working 15 hours or less a week shall complete at least 12 hours of training relevant to child care and development each year, based on the individual's hire date with the facility. The annual training requirements of this subsection may be satisfied each year by obtaining college credit relevant to child care and development.  
    	(j)  An administrator, child care associate, or caregiver may count orientation and pre-service training hours required under 7 AAC 57.030(a) that exceed six hours toward training hours required under (f) of this section.  




AS 44.29.020 AS 47.32.010 AS 47.32.030
Eff. 6/23/2006, Register 178; am 5/15/2016, Register 218