Section 7.75.210. Organization; administration; staff.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An assisted living home shall  
    		(1)  provide the department with   
    			(A) the name, address, telephone number, and, if available, electronic mail address and facsimile transmission number of the individual or entity ultimately responsible for operation of the home or proposed home; and  
    			(B) if the home is operated by an association, corporation, or other entity, the name, address, telephone number, and, if available, electronic mail address and facsimile transmission number of each member of its board or governing body and the executive director of the board or governing body; the home may provide information under this subparagraph with its application for a license, and annually thereafter;  
    		(2) appoint an administrator who meets the requirements of 7 AAC 75.230 and an administrator designee to act on the administrator's behalf for any period during which the administrator is on vacation, is ill, or is otherwise unable to perform regular duties for 24 hours or more; if the administrator designee will be required to manage the daily operation of the home for  
    			(A) less than 90 consecutive days, the designee must meet the requirements of 7 AAC 75.215 and 7 AAC 75.220; the administrator designee must be available and must receive proper orientation to manage the daily operation of the home in the administrator's absence; or   
    			(B) 90 consecutive days or longer, the designee must have the same qualifications as an administrator under 7 AAC 75.230;  
    		(3) adopt written personnel practices and, at the time of employment, inform each employee of the individual to whom the employee is responsible, the organization of the home and physical plant layout, the employee's duties and responsibilities, including those to be carried out in emergencies, and the policies, procedures, and equipment relevant to those duties and responsibilities;  
    		(4) provide the department with a current master list, updated as necessary, that includes the name, address, and telephone number of each resident and the name, address, telephone number, and, if available, electronic mail address and facsimile transmission number of each resident's representative; a home that serves three or more residents shall maintain a current copy of the master list in at least one place that can be easily accessed if the home must be evacuated;  
    		(5) ensure that recordkeeping complies with AS 47.33.070 and uses forms prescribed or approved by the department for the preparation and protection of resident records; and  
    		(6) establish policies and procedures for the completion of residential services contracts and involuntary termination of those contracts in compliance with AS 47.33.210 and 47.33.360, respectively;  
    		(7) repealed 6/24/2004;  
    		(8) repealed 6/24/2004.  
    	(b)  The governing body of a home operated by an association, corporation, or other entity shall  
    		(1) determine policy and provide for implementation of that policy by an administrator;  
    		(2) select an administrator and evaluate the administrator's performance; and  
    		(3) maintain minutes of meetings, relevant portions of which must be made available to the department to enable the department to carry out its responsibilities under AS 47.33  and this chapter.  
    	(c)  An assisted living home shall employ the type and number of care providers and other employees necessary to operate the home in compliance with AS 47.33  and this chapter. The home must have a sufficient number of care providers and other employees with adequate training to implement the home's general staffing plan and to meet the specific needs of residents as defined in the residents' residential services contracts and assisted living plans.  
    	(d)  Subject to (e) of this section, an assisted living home shall  
    		(1) have on duty a care provider or another employee with documented proof of  
    			(A) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training provided within the previous two years by an instructor certified as required in 7 AAC 26.985; the training must be provided through the  
    				(i) American Red Cross;  
    				(ii) American Heart Association's CPR for Family and Friends Training Program or a more advanced program offered by the American Heart Association; or  
    				(iii) an organization equivalent to those listed in (i) - (ii) of this subparagraph, as determined by the department; and  
    			(B) first aid training provided within the previous three years by an instructor certified by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or an equivalent organization as determined by the department; and  
    		(2) have the means and materials available to enable the home to implement the home's disaster preparedness and emergency evacuation plan required by 7 AAC 10.1010.  
    	(e)  If the training required by (d)(1) of this section is not regularly available within 100 miles of  where the home is located, the administrator shall ensure that care providers and other employees obtain this training not less than every three years.   




AS 47.32.010 AS 47.32.030 AS 47.33.005 AS 47.33.010 AS 47.33.070
Eff. 7/1/95, Register 134; am 4/6/2002, Register 162; am 6/24/2004, Register 170; am 6/23/2006, Register 178