Section 7.75.260. General environmental requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A home shall ensure that each resident has  
    		(1) room furniture that is typical for residents of homes in the community and neighborhood in which the assisted living home is located; the furniture may be provided by the resident;  
    		(2) storage space for clothing and personal possessions;  
    		(3) adequate linen, soap, and personal hygiene facilities necessary for cleanliness;  
    		(4) a signal device, as provided for in the assisted living plan of a resident who must use a device when verbal communication is not possible;  
    		(5) reasonable privacy when sharing a room; and  
    		(6) appropriate storage and work areas adjacent to the area of use to accommodate the following functions, if conducted on the premises:  
    			(A) food preparation and serving; and  
    			(B) laundry;  
    		(7) a bedroom that meets the following standards, subject to 7 AAC 75.070(b):  
    			(A) if the bedroom is for single occupancy, it must contain at least 80 square feet of open floor space, measured before furniture is placed in the room;  
    			(B) if the bedroom is for double occupancy, it must contain at least 140 square feet of open floor space, measured before furniture is placed in the room;  
    			(C) no more than two residents may be assigned to a bedroom.  
    	(b)  A home must occupy a building that is used exclusively for assisted living, except that a home may be licensed in a building that has more than one occupancy if  
    		(1) the other occupancy is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, and well-being of the residents of the assisted living home; and  
    		(2) the other users of the building comply with applicable state and municipal building and fire codes and environmental health codes.  




AS 47.33.410 AS 47.33.920
Eff. 7/1/95, Register 134; am 4/6/2002, Register 162