Section 7.78.050. Requests for proposals.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will give public notice of the availability of a request for proposals for a grant in a manner that is reasonably calculated to reach potential applicants. The public notice will specify  
    		(1) the grant period;  
    		(2) contact information to obtain a copy of the request for proposals; and  
    		(3) the deadline by which a proposal in response to the request for proposals is due.  
    	(b)  The department will specify in the request for proposals  
    		(1) each service delivery area or pre-defined allocation of money by area;  
    		(2) grant program goals to be achieved as a result of the grant project;  
    		(3) minimum responsiveness criteria;  
    		(4) whether an applicant must submit a multi-year plan as part of the proposal;  
    		(5) any planning document upon which a grant award decision may be based; and  
    		(6) instructions for formatting, completing, and submitting a proposal.   


