Section 7.78.100. Criteria for review of proposals.  

Latest version.
  • Unless the department approves an exception from a criterion that is not relevant to the grant project or grantee, the department will, in addition to criteria established by other applicable state and federal law, use the following criteria in the review of a grant proposal under this chapter:  
    		(1) criteria relating to grant program policy and strategies, program goals, and budgets;  
    		(2) criteria relating to personnel, management, and facilities, including  
    			(A) eligibility to receive grant money under 7 AAC 78.030;  
    			(B) the applicant's previous experience in providing the same or similar services or projects and history of compliance with grant requirements, including the resolution of audit exceptions, if any, for an applicant that has previously received a grant;  
    		(3) criteria relating to community support and collaboration; and  
    		(4) program-specific criteria other than criteria in (1) - (3) of this section, and included in the request for proposals, request for letters of interest, or other method of solicitation.  


