Section 7.81.050. Notification of potential service providers.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  At least once every two years, the department will give public notice to inform potential providers of grant services that the department may enter into provider agreements for the provision of those services by eligible providers.  
    	(b)  The department will post a public notice under (a) of this section for at least 30 consecutive days on the Alaska Online Public Notice System established under AS 44.62.175. The notice will include  
    		(1) the name of the grant program for which a provider agreement may be issued;  
    		(2) a description of the services to be purchased;  
    		(3) eligibility requirements and the documentation required by the department to verify eligibility of the potential provider;  
    		(4) the terms of the provider agreement for the specific grant program; and  
    		(5) the department's address and the name of a contact person for the department.  


