Section 8.61.030. Objections to inspections.  

Latest version.
  • Upon refusal to permit the department's representative, in the exercise of official duties, to enter without delay and at reasonable times any place of employment or any place therein, to inspect, review records, or to question an employer, owner, operator, agent in charge, or employee in accordance with 8 AAC 61.020, the department's representative shall terminate the inspection or confine the inspection to other areas, conditions, structures, machines, apparatus, devices, equipment, materials, records, or interviews concerning which no objections are raised. The department's representative shall endeavor to ascertain the reason for the refusal and immediately report the refusal and the reason for it to the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized designee. In the event of a refusal of entry for inspection, the department may seek an appropriate order from the superior court compelling entry and inspection.  




AS 18.60.020 AS 18.60.083
AS 18.60.020 AS 18.60.030 AS 18.60.075
Eff. 1/10/75, Register 53; am 7/28/2013, Register 207
Eff. 12/6/95, Register 136