Section 8.77.028. Standards for authorized elevator inspector.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An authorized elevator inspector must meet the following reporting requirements:  
    		(1) an authorized elevator inspector shall conduct all inspections in accordance with the currently adopted edition of ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; A18.1, Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts or the adopted portions of A17.3 Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators Code;  
    		(2) any violation of code shall be cited in the inspection report along with the applicable code, section, and rule;  
    		(3) no later than seven working days after completing an inspection, the authorized elevator inspection shall complete inspection report on a form provided by the department, including a description of tests conducted and the results; the report must also include the following information in addition to all identified code violations and hazards:  
    			(A) address, legal description, and location of the device;  
    			(B) the device owner and invoice address;  
    			(C) date of inspection;  
    			(D) Alaska Device Number;  
    			(E) kind of device, such as elevator or escalator;  
    			(F) type of device, such as hydro or electric;  
    			(G) size capacity by weight limits;  
    			(H) manufacturer name;  
    			(I) date of manufacture and installation;  
    			(J) speed and number of stops;  
    			(K) number of passengers;  
    			(L) applicable code year for installation;  
    			(M) applicable code year for inspection (modernization/alteration);  
    			(N) name and contact information for the device owner or individual on behalf of the device owner who received an inspection report;  
    		(4) all inspection reports and any related correspondence must reference the equipment's device number;  
    		(5) an authorized elevator inspector shall clearly note on the inspection report any equipment found to be an imminent or present danger, and shall report this status immediately by submitting a copy of the inspection report or other written notice to the building owner and to the department; the written notices shall be followed by the completed inspection report as required in (3) of this subsection;  
    		(6) an authorized elevator inspector shall note on the inspection report whether or not the equipment is approved for use, the type of use, the certificate of operation expiration date, and any violation abatement date in accordance with 8 AAC 77.105.  
    	(b)  An authorized elevator inspector responsibilities include the following:  
    		(1) the following inspection procedures:  
    			(A) new or altered elevator installations may not be used by the public until the equipment is completely installed and all work is completed; a construction use inspection must be approved by the department in writing;  
    			(B) an authorized elevator inspector shall only witness acceptance inspection tests performed by competent elevator personnel, as defined in ASME A17.1, employed by the installing or altering elevator contractor;  
    		(2) an authorized elevator inspector shall use equipment as necessary to conduct and document a proper inspection;  
    		(3) the following test tag requirements:  
    			(A) an authorized elevator inspector shall be the person who fills out and attaches test tags to the equipment;  
    			(B) the authorized elevator inspector shall legibly inscribe, by printing, all required information on each test tag;  
    			(C) upon completion of an acceptance test, test tags shall be attached to the tested equipment with wire rope and lead seal; where possible, any adjustment requiring sealing shall be tightly sealed with wire rope and lead seal, or by an approved alternate method;  
    			(D) the lead seal shall be crimped onto the wire rope using a crimping tool die bearing the department's seal and number assigned to the authorized elevator inspector;  
    		(4) the following decal requirements:  
    			(A) each unit of equipment shall be identified with a unique identification number decal issued by the department, which the authorized elevator inspector must affix in a conspicuous place on the front exterior of the main control panel;  
    			(B) for altered elevators, any department decal displayed may be replaced by the more current decal.  




AS 18.60.800
Eff. 2/23/2011, Register 197