Section 8.84.060. Grant standards.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A grant award may be used only for expenditures that are   
    		(1) necessary and reasonable for the completion of grant activities in accordance with AS 23.15.580(c), 8 AAC 84.010 - 8 AAC 84.090, and the grant agreement and budget; and  
    		(2) supported by appropriate source documents, including  
    			(A) cancelled checks;  
    			(B) invoices;  
    			(C) purchase orders;  
    			(D) paid bills;  
    			(E) payroll and time and attendance records;  
    			(F) contracts;  
    			(G) tax records; and  
    			(H) other similar documents.  
    	(b)  The failure of a grantee to document expenditure of financial resources as required in (a) of this section may result in withholding payment, termination of the grant, or denial of future awards.  




AS 23.15.580
Eff. 12/23/2011, Register 200