Section 8.85.420. Refusal of suitable work.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A claimant will be disqualified under AS 23.20.379(b) for refusing suitable work without good cause, or for a failure to apply for suitable work to which he was referred by the employment office, if the offer of work or referral to work was properly made. An offer of work or referral to work is properly made if  
    		(1) a job opening exists at the time the offer is made or the referral given;  
    		(2) the claimant understands that he is receiving an offer or referral, unless an offer of work is not made by the employer because of claimant actions which cause the employer to withhold an offer of employment;  
    		(3) the claimant is given sufficient information concerning the conditions of the job, including duties, location of the work, hours of work, wages, working conditions, equipment needed, and union requirements, if any, to determine the suitability of the offer or referral; and  
    		(4) the claimant, upon accepting a referral, is given adequate information concerning where and how he should apply.  
    	(b)  Failure to apply for work includes  
    		(1) failure to report to the employment office after a call-in for a referral to work;  
    		(2) refusal to accept a referral to work; or  
    		(3) after acceptance of the referral, a failure to apply to the employer for work.  
    	(c)  Refusal of an offer of work includes  
    		(1) refusal of a job offer from an employer or from an agent of the employer having authority to hire;  
    		(2) action by the claimant which causes the employer to withhold a job offer; or  
    		(3) after acceptance of a job offer, a failure to report to work on the first scheduled day of work.  




AS 23.20.045 AS 23.20.379
Eff. 11/7/80, Register 76