Section 8.97.990. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this chapter  
    		(1) "confidential employee" means an employee who assists and acts in a confidential capacity to a person who formulates, determines, and effectuates management policies in labor relations matters;  
    		(2) repealed 4/14/95;  
    		(3) "employee representative" means the labor or employee organization certified by the labor relations agency or recognized by a public employer as the exclusive bargaining representative for a bargaining unit of the public employer, including all labor or employee organizations recognized on June 22, 1990, by municipal school districts, regional educational attendance areas, and the state boarding school;  
    		(4) "public employer" means the same as in AS 23.40.250 and includes the Alaska Railroad Corporation, the University of Alaska Board of Regents, the state boarding school, municipalities, school districts, and regional education attendance areas;  
    		(5) "supervisory employee" means an individual, regardless of job description or title, who has authority to act or to effectively recommend action in the interest of the public employer in any one of the following supervisory functions, if the exercise of that authority is not merely routine but requires the exercise of independent judgment:  
    			(A) employing, including hiring, transferring, laying off, or recalling;  
    			(B) discipline, including suspending, discharging, demoting, or issuing written warnings;  
    			(C) grievance adjudication, including responding to a first level grievance under a collective bargaining agreement;  
    		(6) "agency" means the Alaska labor relations agency;  
    		(7) "election supervisor" means the assigned agent of the labor relations agency responsible for the conduct of an election under 8 AAC 97.025 - 8 AAC 97.210;  
    		(8) "service fee" means the fee paid by a nonmember of a labor organization or employee association to the exclusive bargaining agent as reimbursement for the expenses of representation under AS 23.40.110(b)(2) or AS 42.40.760(b)(2).  
    	(b)  In AS 23.40.250 "appointed officials" includes  
    		(1) at the state level, only persons appointed directly by the governor;  
    		(2) at the political subdivision level, only those persons appointed directly by the highest ranking executive officer of an organized borough or other political subdivision.  





8 AAC 97.090
AS 23.05.380 AS 23.40.170 AS 42.40.820
Eff. 7/22/93, Register 127; am 4/14/95, Register 134; am 5/18/2002, Register 162