Section 11.67.141. Predesignated limited areas.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The director may predesignate the boundaries of individual homestead parcels in a limited area. When the director predesignates the boundaries, the provisions of this section apply in addition to those of 11 AAC 67.140.  
    	(b)  The department will prepare a legal description and assign a parcel number for each predesignated homestead parcel before the disposal. For purposes of filing applications for staking authorizations, each parcel is considered a separate limited area, and an applicant must file a separate application for each parcel which that person wishes to obtain.  
    	(c)  If the filing period for staking authorizations for predesignated homestead parcels is concurrent with the filing period for other limited areas, the staking authorizations for predesignated parcels will be distributed first. If a lottery drawing is necessary, the staking authorizations will be distributed first for the predesignated parcel with the most applications. If an equal number of applications are filed on more than one parcel, the order will be to draw first for the parcel with the lowest assigned parcel number, and proceed in numerical order. If an applicant applies for more than one parcel, the applicant will receive a staking authorization for the first parcel for which the applicant's name is drawn.  
    	(d)  The plat of survey required under 11 AAC 67.146 must comply with the legal description established by the department under (b) of this section.  


