Section 11.67.142. Over-the-counter limited authorizations.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Limited staking authorizations not distributed under 11 AAC 67.140 - 11 AAC 67.141, or that have expired, may be made available over the counter on a first-come, first-served basis. If more than one eligible person is present or represented, or more than one eligible mail-in application is received under (b) of this section when a limited staking authorization is made available, a drawing will be held to determine to whom the authorization will be distributed. An individual may apply for an over-the-counter limited authorization either in person or through the mail, and in doing so may be represented by an agent authorized by a notarized power of attorney. An agent may participate only for himself or herself, and one other person, per day.  
    	(b)  Over-the-counter mail-in applications for limited staking authorizations will be accepted and processed as follows:  
    		(1) a mail-in application will, when received by the appropriate regional office of the division, be processed as if it were presented in person, except that a mail-in application received before the first day of a new offering will be processed at the beginning of the first day of the offering; and  
    		(2) a mail-in application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable check or money order to cover the fee for a staking selection procedures packet and mailing charges prescribed by 11 AAC 05.010.  




AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.035 AS 38.09.010 AS 38.09.110
Eff. 5/31/84, Register 90; am 8/10/86, Register 99; am 8/23/87, Register 103