Section 2.07.086. Method of application.  

Latest version.
  • The director shall specify the form required for submitting an application for a vacancy, which may include electronic forms and alternate means of submission. The director shall make reasonable efforts to assure that potential applicants have at least one means of submitting an application available to them. On the form, the director shall require the reporting of a misdemeanor conviction that occurred within the five years before the date of application, and a felony conviction regardless of the date that the conviction occurred. The director may also require information and evidence pertaining to the education, training, and experience of the applicant, and other information the director considers pertinent to the recruitment. An application may not be accepted after the announced deadline.  





2 AAC 07.228
AS 39.25.070 AS 39.25.140 AS 39.25.150
Eff. 8/31/2000, Register 156