Section 2.35.460. Coverage as a peace officer or firefighter.  

Latest version.
  • Except as may be expressly authorized by AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680, for purposes of the statutes governing the defined benefit plan of the Public Employees' Retirement System (AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680)  
    		(1) "peace officer" means only a person who is a regular employee of a police agency or organization which is part of the state or a political subdivision of the state, and who has primary responsibility for the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcement of the fish and game, penal, traffic or highway laws of the state or employing political subdivision;  
    		(2) "firefighter" or "fire chief" means only a person who is a regular employee of a fire agency or organization of the state or a political subdivision of the state and who is authorized to act under AS 18.70.   




AS 39.35.003 AS 39.35.680
Eff. 7/20/2006, Register 179