Section 2.50.720. Reporting interests in real property.  

Latest version.
  • In a disclosure statement required by AS 24.60.200 or AS 39.50.020, a legislative branch filer, public official, or candidate shall report an interest in real property by  
    		(1) the address or other legal description of the property, except that a primary residence or recreational property held for personal use may be described only by zip code; and  
    		(2) the nature of the interest that the legislative branch filer, public official, candidate, or family member held in the property; the nature of interests to be reported includes fee simple ownership, tenancy in common, general or limited partnership interest, and holder of an option to purchase.  




AS 15.13.030 AS 24.60.200 AS 24.60.220 AS 39.50.020 AS 39.50.030 AS 39.50.050
Eff. 7/20/95, Register 135; am 1/1/2001, Register 156; am 12/22/2011, Register 200