Section 3.48.340. Tariff sheet designation.  

Latest version.
  •     (a)  Each completely new tariff sheet must be officially designated by the letters "RCA" in the upper left-hand corner of the tariff sheet, followed by the number of the utility's or pipeline carrier's certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the utility or pipeline carrier to furnish the kind of service or commodity covered by its tariff. 
      (b)  Each sheet of every tariff, except the title page, must bear a sheet number in the space provided at the top. The first publication of a tariff sheet must be designated as "Original Sheet  ..... " 
      (c)  The amendment of any sheet of a tariff shall be made only by reissuing the particular sheet upon which the change, addition, or cancellation is made. Reissuing the sheet means to cancel it by a new page which shall be designated as a revised page in the manner shown below and shall contain the same tariff provisions except whatever additions, changes, or cancellations are made. Each revised tariff sheet shall bear the same sheet number as the sheet it amends and shall bear a consecutive revision number as explained in this subsection. A revised sheet which amends an original sheet shall be designated "FIRST REVISION OF SHEET  ... ," "SECOND REVISION OF SHEET  ... ," etc. Each revised sheet shall direct the cancellation of the original or revised sheet which it amends and this cancellation shall be shown in the manner indicated in the following example: 
    When the first revision of a sheet is to be amended, it shall be cancelled by a second revised sheet in the following manner: 
      (d)  If, after a tariff has been issued, it becomes necessary to add an additional page to provide for expanded or additional tariff matter, the added page shall be designated as an original sheet (not a revised sheet) and shall be given the same sheet number, when added between existing sheets of the tariff, as the sheet which it follows, but a decimal suffix (in the numerical sequence) shall follow the sheet number. For example, a sheet added between sheets four and five of the tariff shall be designated as "Original Sheet 4.1" and a sheet added between 4.1 and 5 of the tariff shall be designated as "Original Sheet 4.2" etc. In no case, however, shall a sheet be added between two sheets both of which bear sheet numbers with suffixes containing two decimal places. If it should become necessary to amend original sheet 4.1, it shall be done in the manner prescribed in (c) of this section by issuing first revision of sheet 4.1. 
      (e)  When the added sheet is added after the last sheet, at the end of the tariff, the added sheet shall be given the next consecutive number following the number of the last sheet of the tariff. For example, if the last sheet of a tariff is Sheet 99, the added sheet shall be designated "Original Sheet 100." 
      (f)  When a revised sheet is issued which omits rates, charges, or other provisions formerly published on the sheet which it cancels, and the omitted matter is transferred to a different sheet, the revised sheet shall make specific reference to the sheet on which the omitted matter will thereafter be found as indicated in the following example: 
       For (here identify the omitted matter) formerly published on  ... (here insert the words "Original Sheet  .... or Revision of Sheet  ...."), see  ...... Revision of Sheet  .... 
    The sheet to which the omitted matter is transferred shall refer to the sheet on which the matter was formerly published, substantially as follows: 
       For (here identify the transferred matter) in effect prior to the effective date hereof, see (here insert the words "Original Sheet  .... or  .... Revision of Sheet  .... "). 
    The cancellation of the matter on the former sheet shall be made effective simultaneously with the effective date of the matter on the sheet to which it is transferred. Subsequent revisions of the revised sheets accomplishing the transfer shall omit the references required above with respect to the transferred matter.  
    	(g)  If anything on a tariff sheet is to be cancelled entirely, and is not to be transferred to another page of the same tariff, the revised sheet which effects the amendment shall specifically show the cancellation of the provisions and identify the provisions to be cancelled. For example, if a rule is cancelled, the number and caption of the rule should be brought forward on the new sheet but the body of the rule should be omitted and, in its place, it should be stated that the rule is cancelled. Alternatively, the cancellation (but not transfer) of a substantial portion of material on a tariff sheet may be accomplished by simply omitting the matter to be cancelled and inserting a footnote at the bottom of the revised sheet clearly indicating the nature of the matter that has been cancelled. Subsequent revisions of the revised sheet that effected the cancellation shall omit the cancellation.  





3 AAC 53.243
AS 42.05.141 AS 42.05.151 AS 42.05.361 AS 42.06.140 AS 42.06.350
Eff. 11/16/73, Register 48; am 6/29/84, Register 90; am 4/24/2004, Register 170