Section 3.48.420. Uniform deposit practices.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  When a deposit is required as a condition of receiving utility service the rule which established the deposit requirement shall also set forth the maximum amount of the deposit to be paid, which in no case shall exceed the following amount for a customer of the indicated type of utility as determined by the utility after consultation with the customer:  
    		(1) two months' telephone billings, including toll charges as estimated by the utility;  
    		(2) two months' electric billing based on the utility's estimate of usage;  
    		(3) two months' water charges at the flat rate, or two months of metered charges as estimated by the utility;  
    		(4) two months' gas billings as estimated by the utility;  
    		(5) two months' sewer service fees as estimated by the utility;  
    		(6) two months' garbage, refuse, trash, or other waste material collection and disposal service billings as estimated by the utility;  
    		(7) two months' community antenna or cable television (CATV) service billings as estimated by the utility; and  
    		(8) two months' radio common carrier service billings as estimated by the utility.  
    	(b)  The deposit rule must clearly state the length of time the utility will retain a customer's deposit, but under no circumstances may a utility retain a customer's deposit longer than two years, if, in the interim period, the utility has not been forced to disconnect that customer's service for reasons of delinquency in payment of charges, and if the customer has not been delinquent in payment more than once in any 12 consecutive months. Except for electric utilities as set out in 3 AAC 52.420, the deposit must be returned to the customer either within 60 days after discontinuance of telephone service or within 25 days after discontinuance of other utility service, after deducting money due the utility.  




AS 42.05.141 AS 42.05.151 AS 42.05.361 AS 42.05.381 AS 42.05.391
Eff. 11/16/73, Register 48; am 6/29/84, Register 90; am 1/1/87, Register 100