Section 4.43.010. Requirements for school districts and certain religious or private schools.  

Latest version.
  • In administering a school district's duties under the scholarship program established in AS 14.43.810 - 14.43.849, a school district, or a religious or other private school accredited under 4 AAC 04.300(c) that elects to comply with AS 14.45.100 - 14.45.130, shall  
    		(1) determine a student's level of eligibility for the Alaska performance scholarship based on curriculum, standardized examination scores, and grade point average for each of its graduating students;  
    		(2) record a student's level of eligibility on the student's permanent record;  
    		(3) require a student seeking Alaska performance scholarship eligibility certification to provide proof of results achieved on one of the standardized examinations required for scholarship eligibility; and  
    		(4) no later than July 15 of each year, transmit to the department an electronic version of each graduating student's permanent record that describes the student's eligibility for the Alaska performance scholarship.  




AS 14.07.060 AS 14.43.810
Eff. 11/4/2010, Register 196