Section 5.93.230. Transitional provisions for certain educational fishery permit procedures.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions in 5 AAC 93.200 - 5 AAC 93.235 apply to an application for an educational fishery permit except that the following procedures and requirements apply to a permit for an educational fishery program that is proposed to begin during the six-month period following the effective date of 5 AAC 93.200 - 5 AAC 93.235:  
    		(1) an applicant for an educational fishery permit shall submit an application to the commissioner no later than 30 days before the date the applicant proposes to begin the educational fishery program;  
    		(2) no later than 15 days after receiving a completed application for an educational fishery permit, the commissioner will respond to the applicant in writing and either issue or deny a permit, or request the applicant to provide additional information about the proposed educational fishery program;  
    		(3) an applicant may not request reconsideration of an action taken by the commissioner regarding the issuance, denial, amendment, or revocation of an educational fishery permit; the commissioner's action will be the department's final administrative determination for purposes of appeal to the superior court.  





5 AAC 93.235
AS 16.05.020 AS 16.05.340(b)
Eff. 4/28/95, Register 134