Section 7.100.414. Medicaid eligibility based on SSI or APA ineligibility for reasons that do not apply to Medicaid.  

Latest version.
  • To be eligible for Medicaid under 7 AAC 100.002(b)(3) and this section, an individual must be ineligible for SSI or APA because of the application of an SSI rule or requirement of 7 AAC 40 that the department does not use for Medicaid-only determinations. The following individuals may be found eligible under this section:  
    		(1) a low-birth-weight infant who has received a presumptive disability determination by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development;  
    		(2) a qualified alien as described in 7 AAC 100.052, who became ineligible for SSI because of that individual's alien status under 8 U.S.C. 1611 - 1613;  
    		(3) a qualified alien as described in 7 AAC 100.052, subject to the deeming of income from a sponsor under 7 AAC 40.250, who entered the United States before August 22, 1996, or who entered the United States under an affidavit of support executed before December 19, 1997; for the purpose of determining Medicaid eligibility under this section, the department will deem the of income from an alien's sponsor available to the alien under 7 AAC 40.250 only when a qualified alien's sponsor has signed an I-864 affidavit of support form on or after December 19, 1997, or a successor form issued by USCIS;  
    		(4) an individual eligible under a Medicaid eligibility category listed in 7 AAC 100.002, except for an eligibility category listed in 7 AAC 100.002(e), who relies on the use of a qualifying income trust under 7 AAC 100.610 to reduce the individual's total monthly income.  





7 AAC 100.002
AS 47.05.010 AS 47.07.020 AS 47.07.040
Eff. 7/20/2007, Register 183