Section 7.12.457. Additional licensure requirements for frontier extended stay clinics.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In addition to complying with the requirements of 7 AAC 12.610, an individual seeking to operate a frontier extended stay clinic must provide, as part of the application for a license,  
    		(1) the name of each individual with ownership or control of the clinic;  
    		(2) a description of the geographic service area to be served;  
    		(3) the applicant's plan for the delivery of health services within the service area;  
    		(4) the applicant's plan for staffing when a patient is admitted for care or services;  
    		(5) an emergency services plan that coordinates the provision of emergency medical services in the service area;  
    		(6) a plan that demonstrates how each physician's responsibilities will be accomplished, including record reviews, policy reviews, review of services provided, supervision, and medical direction;  
    		(7) a description of the applicant's volume capacity;  
    		(8) a description of the volume capacity of other related health care resources within the service area; and  
    		(9) the distance and travel time to the nearest hospital and other health care resources within the service area.  
    	(b)  A licensee must provide, as part of an application for license renewal,  
    		(1) the number of patients admitted during the previous 12 months for extended stay, including  
    			(A) the number of patients admitted for an extended stay described in 7 AAC 12.450(a)(2)(A);  
    			(B) the number of patients admitted for an extended stay described in 7 AAC 12.450(a)(2)(B);  
    			(C) the number of patients admitted for monitoring and observation described in 7 AAC 12.450(a)(2)(C); and  
    			(D) the average length of stay for each category set out in (A) - (C) of this paragraph; and  
    		(2) the plan required under (a)(6) of this section, updated to reflect any changes since the initial plan was submitted.  





7 AAC 12.465
AS 47.32.010 AS 47.32.020 AS 47.32.030 AS 47.32.040 AS 47.32.050
Eff. 12/3/2006, Register 180