Section 8.98.370. Responsibilities of a licensee.  

Latest version.
  • The responsibilities of a licensee include  
    		(1) operating the facility in accordance with laws relating to vending facilities, public health, taxes, compensation of employees, worker's compensation, insurance, civil rights, and fire and safety codes;  
    		(2) maintaining business accounts and records separate from personal accounts;  
    		(3) maintaining a commercial bank account in which all funds not required as cash on hand are deposited;  
    		(4) making payment for all business expenses in a timely fashion;  
    		(5) retaining receipts for goods and services bought for the business;  
    		(6) submitting accurate and timely reports to the division; and  
    		(7) obtaining and maintaining personal and property damage liability insurance, naming the State of Alaska as an additional insuree, with limits of $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each occurrence, and insurance against loss by fire or other hazard of the vending facility property.  





8 AAC 98.340
AS 23.15.020(c) AS 23.15.100(b)
Eff. 7/17/83, Register 87