Section 3.306.600. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The provisions of 3 AAC 306.600 - 3 AAC 306.675 apply to a person offering a service testing, analyzing, or certifying potency, moisture content, pesticide or solvent residue, mold, mildew, bacteria, or other contaminants in marijuana or a marijuana product to another person including a marijuana establishment or a member of the public, whether for compensation or not, as a independent or third-party testing facility.  
    	(b)  The provisions of  3 AAC 306.600 - 3 AAC 306.675 do not apply to a licensed marijuana establishment that controls marijuana testing equipment used solely for its own in-house testing of its own cultivated crop, of products produced or manufactured at its own facility, or of retail products placed or offered for sale in its retail marijuana store.  


