Section 2.07.415. Dismissal.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The appointing authority may dismiss a permanent employee for just cause only. Except in cases of egregious misconduct, the permanent employee must be given two weeks' notice before the dismissal, unless the employee's presence at the work site is contrary to the best interests of the state, in which case the employee will receive two weeks pay in lieu of notice.  
    	(b)  In cases of egregious misconduct, the employee is subject to immediate dismissal. "Egregious misconduct" includes chemical or alcohol impairment, disobedience, dishonesty, physical misconduct, abusive or lewd behavior, or abandonment of duties.  
    	(c)  If the appointing authority dismisses an employee, the appointing authority shall provide the employee with a written statement of the reasons for dismissal. The appointing authority shall file a copy of the statement with the director.  




AS 39.25.070 AS 39.25.140 AS 39.25.150 Editor's note: Even though the amendment of 2 AAC 07.415 took effect 9/22/2004, it was not published until Register 175, Oct. 2005.
In effect before 6/28/84; am 6/28/84, Register 91; am 9/22/2004, Register 175

